Engagement apps
Let's get app-y!
An article in Forbes stated 2.7 billion workers worldwide are deskless. And my friendly Copilot told me how deskless workers often lack consistent access to company intranets, emails and other communication channels.
We know how important employee engagement is, so how can you engage your non-desk employees?
Benefits of an employee app have shown an increase in engagement, confidence and productivity. A reduction in staff turnover and an increase in profits.
How? By providing access to company news and information, employees feel less isolated. By providing a tool to communicate with peers, they feel valued. They have a voice. And by providing a community at their fingertips, they feel supported, rewarded, and empowered.
By building an app that is just for your employees, you’re building a community, and helping to create friendships within the workplace, no matter where they do, or don’t, sit!
For app advice, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.